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The FAI World Air Games 2015 in Dubai will be held from the 1 December to 12 December.  Gliding will have an exciting new competition, developed specifically for conditions anticipated at the World Air Games in Dubai, called the FAI Gliding Match Race Championships.

GlGliding: new and exciting competition format at the FAI World Air Games Dubai 2015


A new format for glider racing will be presented at the FAI World Air Games in Dubai.


After a successful test event in Varese, Italy in conjunction with the FAI Sailplane Grand Prix Finals in September, the new racing format, called “Glider Match Racing,” will make its debut during the WAG, scheduled for 1 – 12 December 2015.


The 1st FAI Glider Match Racing Championship will take place at the SkyDive Dubai Desert Campus on 3 December and last for six days.


A glider match race consists of head-to-head races between pairs of pilots racing two identically prepared gliders on identical courses.  The winner will be the pilot who can follow the course more accurately, control the glider more precisely, make more precise turns, and control the speed more effectively, all with the goal of being the first across the finish line.


A Championship consists of three days of qualification racing in which each of the participating pilots race against each other.  A semifinal round and then a Medal round will determine the winners of the Gold, Silver, and Bronze medals.


“The new format will allow us to showcase our sport in a spectator-friendly fashion, consistent with the FAI’s mission to raise public awareness of all Air Sports,” said IGC President Eric Mozer.  “The World Air Games are the ideal venue for this new form of glider racing.”

For further information about the Gliding event at the World Air Games, click here or visit http://crosscountry.aero/wag